Friday, August 27, 2010

Week 11

WOW!  WEEK 11!!!  Can you believe that it is almost September and we are approaching Week 11 of our CSA for 2010?  That means 4 more weeks of produce for full shares and 2 more weeks for half shares!  Hope you are enjoying your food and your summer!!!

IDENTIFYING YOUR PRODUCE: Per your requests we have added an "Identification" section to our online newsletter/blog we hope you find this useful.  We will try to keep it updated with all the produce we give you from now on.  If you have any recipe ideas that you would like to share, please send them to us via email.

FARM NEWS: Our giant heirloom tomatoes are dwindling down, but winter squash is growing strong!  We still have roma tomatoes, green zebras, some cherries, and hopefully some big boy tomatoes ripening up.  Beets and arugula are popping up all over the place, hopefully you will see those in a couple weeks.  Now that we are seeing some cooler weather we hope to offer you lettuce again!  Cucumbers were devastated by these nasty little yellow and black cucumber beetles, but we hope you enjoyed the cucumber you already received. 

NOW OFFERING FALL SHARES:  We are excited to announce that we will be offering a limited amount of additional Fall Shares.  Sign up for 4 more weeks of produce in September and October for $80.  Please contact us via email if you are interested.  First come first serve.

FARM BABY ON THE WAY:  Erik & Amolia are expecting a baby in November... if you haven't noticed her belly yet!  Click here to support the organic baby movement.

QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, CONCERNS:  Thanks to everyone who sends us their questions, comments and concerns.  It is through communication like this that we can make improvements to our service and your enjoyment. 

Peace be with you,
Aliisa, Erik, Amolia & Johanna

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