Our first CSA pick-up is right around the corner! Here's a little preview of what's to come...
daisy |
Our perennial herbs are looking beautiful and robust. Keep your eye out for fresh thyme & oregano. We've also got three tasty and distinct varieties of mint that make great tea, hot or cold.
We got an early start on basil this year and we're already harvesting it by the handful! We're looking forward to a whole season of this aromatic herb.
One goal we have for market this year is to bring flowers every week. They really brighten up a table. Through my work with flowers for the CSA last year, I've really grown to love them!
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apple mint - it's sweet! |
basil | | |
Market season is here! Heron Homestead will be at every 100 Mile Market and Douglass Market from now through the end of October. Come visit us! |